Sunday, February 6, 2011

Undercover at an Arizona Gun Show

"In that investigation, we found out just how easy it is for criminals and the mentally ill to walk in and buy guns - no questions asked. It called attention to a huge loophole in the law that enables criminals and other dangerous people like drug abusers and the mentally ill to get guns without having to go through a background check."

I thought that this was a really interesting article from the Huffington Post. A group of people went undercover to see how easy it was to buy guns in Arizona. The answer: "As easy as buying fries at McDonalds" was the answer they gave in the article.

The point of this investigation was to show how easy it is for mentally ill people to purchase guns. The death of Gabrielle Gifford is just one example of the harm that mentally ill people can do, especially when given arms. 

I thought that this article was really interesting and that it raised some good points and examples of loopholes in gun laws in the States. I hope that their investigation is something that can be used to help fix these glaring errors in the laws that have been passed. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    In my perspective, it's impossible to find out who's criminal or mentally ill people. In order to stop the situation in the article, I believe the US government should be concern that to collect the weapens owned by personal and outlow the gun shop.
