Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tuition hikes limited to 3%


"I’m glad to see they listened to the opposition and they listened to students," Regan said Monday evening.

I was rather relieved to read this article yesterday. Being a student in Nova Scotia I'm obviously very concerned about the price I'm paying for university. The report that Tim O'Neill released was interesting, but I don't think that deregulating university tuitions would do anyone any good. If tuition was going to go up as much as 86%, I, along with many others would have probably ended up at schools like M.U.N, and the enrolment numbers would have plummeted. 

I didn't qualify for a student loan for my first year and so with the help from many members of my family but especially my father who is a painter, we managed to pay for my entire first year in cash. This definitely would not be possible next year or the following years if the tuition drastically increased. 

Nova Scotia is really moving around it's education budgets this year. Increases to tuition fees and that funding cut of about 22% to public school systems. I don't think this funding cut is going to be particularly useful or satisfy Nova Scotians if it isn't done properly, which often it doesn't seem to be. 

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