Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Students welcome debt cap, slam other budget moves

The article itself was interesting but I felt that the comments below were even moreso.

Comment 1...
Post-secondary education is a privilege and not a right. People seem to forget that... what happened to the days when you only buy what you can afford.
I am someone that went to university and graduated debt free. My parents did not help me. I worked through high-school to save up money. I worked through university and full time in the summers to pay for my school. I didn't qualify for loans but my parents weren't able to help me either.. so I did what I had to do! I took three courses in a semester that I could only afford three courses..
And let's face it. A tuition reduction doesn't make sense. We are below the national average, and if you compare our tuition fees to the States, well, there is no comparison. Not everyone needs a tuition reduction - there are plenty of rich people attending universities. Why would we save them money? What we need is exactly what was in this budget, student assistance.

Comment 2...
How in many European countries, post-secondary education IS a right for those that academically qualify, as are trade schools and technical colleges. It is considered part of the education system and is tuition-free. Countries such as France and Germany also pay a stipend to the students.
Now are France and Germany richer countries? (other than an educated populace)No. Do they have more natural resources? (other than an educated populace)No.
Well, what's the difference? They have an advanced, proportional social democracy that stresses the well-being of the citizens over the needs of a soulless multinational.
Strangely, we can always find an extra billion or two to let our Dear Leader's narcissism and fascist fantasies play out, or 100 billion + to support toys for big boys and the military-industrial complex, but for the people? No. We can build prisons to slake the mouthbreathers bloodlust, but think, THINK. I
If there was a fairer education system, maybe we wouldn't need the prisons. Maybe we wouldn't need more welfare, maybe our taxes would be lower, maybe we'd be a better country.
Comment 3...

I wish university students would quit complaining about funding..if you cant afford it ..DONT GO! Go to Community college..we need more trades people than lawyers anyway.Right now the only loans to ''forgive'' would be med students IF they go to rural areas to work it off.
I thought that these were all really interesting and different views and reactions to this article. With a lot of work and support from my family I was able to pay for my whole first year without requiring any student loans. 

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